

Production of hydraulic cylinders and associated hydraulic equipment for various machinery.



The average work experience of our employees averages 15–20 years of successful work in the field of mechanical engineering, and their competence corresponds to their positions.

Industrial workshops

Industrial workshops

Production area is located on an area of 1000 m²,it has all the necessary infrastructure and meets the requirements of an industrial enterprise.

Modern machines

Modern machines

Thanks to modernization of the enterprise and its technical re-equipment, new equipment from leading foreign manufacturers was implemented into production.

Hydraulic cylinders for machinery


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for road machinery


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for construction machinery


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for municipal machinery and vehicles


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for agricultural machinery and vehicles


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for special machinery and vehicles


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for warehouse vehicles


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for automotive vehicles


hydraulic cylinders / hydraulic equipment for universal vehicles

Our production

HYDROSTAR JLLC offers a wide range of high-quality hydraulic cylinders, as well as hydraulic equipment of its own manufacture and world manufacturers.

Hydraulic cylinders

Hydraulic cylindersOWN MANUFACTURE

Hydraulic cylinders liners

Hydraulic cylinders linersOWN MANUFACTURE

Hydraulic cylinders pistons

Hydraulic cylinders pistonsOWN MANUFACTURE

Hydraulic cylinders grundbuksy

Hydraulic cylinders grundbuksyOWN MANUFACTURE

Hydraulic cylinder eyes

Hydraulic cylinder eyesOWN MANUFACTURE

Hydraulic cylinders bearings

Hydraulic cylinders bearingsMANUFACTURER: SKF Group

We appreciate our customers!

Hydraulic cylinder drawing

Urgent production of hydraulic cylinders on order

Hydraulic cylinder design

Creating a model of a hydraulic cylinder according to customer drawings, preparing documentation, approval for manufacture.

Production of hydraulic cylinder

Production of a hydraulic cylinder in accordance with the developed model and approved documentation.

Hydraulic cylinder test

Quality control, checking operating parameters for compliance with calculated and actual indicators.